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Molecular Nanoelectronics Lab

Molecular nanoelectronics laboratory is studying Organic Electronics and Nanowires Electronics.

Research Articles

Research Articles 목록


Ho Kwang Choi, Aram Lee, Mina Park, Dong Su Lee, Sukang Bae, Seoung-Ki Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, Takhee Lee, and Tae-Wook Kim, "Hierarchical Porous Film with Layer-by-Layer Assembly of 2D Copper Nanosheets for Ultimate Electromagnetic Interference Shielding", ACS NANO, 15, 829 (2021).  [PDF]  [Journal link] 


Jae-Keun Kim, Kyungjune Cho, Juntae Jang, Kyeong-Yoon Baek, Jehyun Kim, Junseok Seo, Minwoo Song, Jiwon Shin, Jaeyoung Kim, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Jung-Hoon Lee, Keehoon Kang, and Takhee Lee, "Molecular Dopant-dependent Charge Transport in Surface-charge-transfer-doped WSe2 Field Effect Transistors", Advanced Materials, 33, 2101598 (2021). [PDF]  [Journal link] 


Junseok Seo, Jin Hee Lee, Jinsu Pak, Kyungjune Cho, Jae-Keun Kim, Jaeyoung Kim, Juntae Jang, Heebeom Ahn, Seong Chu Lim, Seungjun Chung, Keehoon Kang and Takhee Lee, "Ultrasensitive Photodetection in MoS2 Avalanche Phototransistors", Advanced Science, 8, 2102437 (2021).   [PDF]  [Journal link] 


Surong Zhang, Chenyang Guo, Lifa Ni, Kerstin M. Hans, Weiqiang Zhang, Shoujun Peng, Zhikai Zhao, Daniel C. Guhr, Zhe Qi, Haitao Liu, Minwoo Song, Qingling Wang, Johannes Boneberg, Xuefeng Guo,, Takhee Lee,, Elke Scheer,, Dong Xiang, "In-situ control of on-chip angstrom gaps, atomic switches, and molecular junctions by light irradiation", Nano Today, 39, 101226 (2021).  [PDF]  [Journal link] 


Lifa Ni, Xiaojin Li, Zhibin Zhao, Jongwoo Nam, Pengfei Wu, Qingling Wang, Takhee Lee*, Hongliang Liu*, and Dong Xiang*, "Reversible Rectification of Microscale Ferroelectric Junctions Employing Liquid Metal Electrodes", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13, 29885 (2021).   [PDF]  [Journal link] 


Hao Xue , Ye Shao, Jongwon Yoon, Takhee Lee, and Wu Lu, "Temperature-Dependent Low-Frequency Noise Analysis of ZnO Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors", IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev. 68, 3532 (2021).  [PDF]  [Journal link] 


Jonghoon Lee, Woocheol Lee, Jeongjae Lee, Kyeong-Yoon Baek, Jiwon Shin, Jae-Keun Kim, Junwoo Kim, Heebeom Ahn, Keehoon Kang & Takhee Lee, "Tailored Design-of-Experiments Approach for Device Performance Prediction and Optimization of Flash-Evaporated Organic Inorganic Halide Perovskite-based Photodetectors", Advanced Materials Technologies, 6, 2001131 (2021). [PDF] [Journal link] 

*It appeared as Back COVER picture article. 


Junwoo Kim, Woocheol Lee, Kyungjune Cho, Heebeom Ahn, Jonghoon Lee, Kyeong-Yoon Baek, Jae-Keun Kim, Keehoon Kang, and Takhee Lee, "Crystallinity-dependent device characteristics of polycrystalline n=4 2D Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite photodetectors", Nanotechnology, 32, 185203 (2021). [PDF]  [Journal link]


Jeongjae Lee, Woocheol Lee, Keehoon Kang, Takhee Lee, Sung Keun Lee, "Layer-by-layer structural identification of 2D Ruddlesden-Popper hybrid lead iodide perovskites by solid-state NMR spectroscopy", Chemistry of Materials, 33, 370  (2021).  [PDF]  [Journal link] 

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