23. |
Woojin Park, Gunho Jo, Minhyeok Choe, Sangchul Lee, Jongwon Yoon, Yung Ho Kahng, and Takhee Lee, " Ultraviolet photoresponse properties of surface-architectured ZnO nanowires by a solvent-driven treatment", 2010 Transparent Oxide Semiconductors (TOS) Spring Meeting, ETRI & HOTEL RIVIERA, Daejeon, Korea, June 24-25, 2010.
22. |
Takhee Lee, "Observation of molecular transistors with orbital gating", 21th IC-ME&D (21th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), Sunchon National Univeristy, Sunchon, Korea, May 19-20, 2010. [Invited talk]
21. |
Woojin Park, Gunho Jo, Minhyeok Choe, Sangchul Lee, Jongwon Yoon, Yung-Ho Kahng, and Takhee Lee, "Solvent-driven effects on the photosensing properties of ZnO nanowires", 21th IC-ME&D (21th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), Sunchon National Univeristy, Sunchon, Korea, May 19-20, 2010.
20. |
Sangchul Lee, Gunho Jo, Seok-Ju Kang, Minhyeok Choi, Woojin Park, Dong-Yu Kim, Yung Ho Kahng, and Takhee Lee*, " Enhancement of charge injection in organic field effect transistors with graphene electrodes”, 21th IC-ME&D (21th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), Sunchon National Univeristy, Sunchon, Korea, May 19-20, 2010.
19. |
Yongsung Ji, Byungjin Cho, Sunghoon Song, Tae-Wook Kim, Minhyeok Choe, Yung Ho Kahng, and Takhee Lee*, "Reliable switching characteristics of organic non-volatile memory with PI:PCBM on a flexible substrate", 21th IC-ME&D (21th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), Sunchon National Univeristy, Sunchon, Korea, May 19-20, 2010. [Best Poster Award]
18. |
Byungjin Cho, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji and Takhee Lee, "Rewritable switching characteristics of one diode-one resistor organic memory", 21th IC-ME&D (21th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), Sunchon National Univeristy, Sunchon, Korea, May 19-20, 2010.
17. |
Takhee Lee, "Characterization of Molecular Transistors and Organic Memory Devices", Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, Korea, May 6, 2010. [Department seminar]
16. |
Takhee Lee, "Molecular transistors with orbital gating", International Symposium on Carbon Electronics (ISCE), Seoul National University, Korea, May 3-4, 2010. [Invited talk]
15. |
Takhee Lee, "Molecular Transistors and Organic Memory Devices", Sunchon National University, Sunchon, Korea, April 27, 2010. [Department seminar]
14. |
Takhee Lee, "Molecular transistors with orbital gating", 2010 Spring Korean Physical Society Meeting (춘계 한국물리학회), Daejeon, Korea, April 21-22, 2010. [Invited talk]
13. |
Byungjin Cho, Tae-Wook Kim, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji, Minseok Jo,Hyunsang Hwang, Gun-Young Jung, and Takhee Lee, "Rewritable switching operation of 1 diode-1 resistor for organic memory devices", MRS (Materials Research Society) 2010 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 5-9, 2010. [Student oral presentation]
12. |
Takhee Lee, "Molecular Transistors and Polymer Memory Devices", Dept. of EEWS, KAIST, Korea, March 30, 2010. [Department seminar]
11. |
Takhee Lee, "Molecular Transistors with Orbital Gating", e-Journal Seminar, March 29, 2010. [e- seminar]
10. |
Takhee Lee, "Molecular Transistors and Polymer Memory Devices", Department of Chemistry, POSTECH, Korea, March 26, 2010. [Department seminar]
9. |
Takhee Lee, "Tutorial - Organic Memory Devices", GIST, Korea, March 25, 2010. [Lecture]