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Molecular Nanoelectronics Lab

Molecular nanoelectronics laboratory is studying Organic Electronics and Nanowires Electronics.


Presentation 목록


Woojin Park, Gunho Jo, Minhyeok Choe, Sangchul Lee, Jongwon Yoon, Yung Ho Kahng, and Takhee Lee, " Ultraviolet photoresponse properties of surface-architectured ZnO nanowires by a solvent-driven treatment", 2010 Transparent Oxide Semiconductors (TOS) Spring Meeting, ETRI & HOTEL RIVIERA, Daejeon, Korea, June 24-25, 2010.  


Takhee Lee, "Observation of molecular transistors with orbital gating", 21th IC-ME&D (21th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), Sunchon National Univeristy, Sunchon, Korea, May 19-20, 2010.   [Invited talk] 


Woojin Park, Gunho Jo, Minhyeok Choe, Sangchul Lee, Jongwon Yoon, Yung-Ho Kahng, and Takhee Lee, "Solvent-driven effects on the photosensing properties of ZnO nanowires", 21th IC-ME&D (21th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), Sunchon National Univeristy, Sunchon, Korea, May 19-20, 2010.  


Sangchul Lee, Gunho Jo, Seok-Ju Kang, Minhyeok Choi, Woojin Park, Dong-Yu Kim, Yung Ho Kahng, and Takhee Lee*, " Enhancement of charge injection in organic field effect transistors with graphene electrodes”, 21th IC-ME&D (21th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), Sunchon National Univeristy, Sunchon, Korea, May 19-20, 2010.  


Yongsung Ji, Byungjin Cho, Sunghoon Song, Tae-Wook Kim, Minhyeok Choe, Yung Ho Kahng, and Takhee Lee*, "Reliable switching characteristics of organic non-volatile memory with PI:PCBM on a flexible substrate", 21th IC-ME&D (21th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), Sunchon National Univeristy, Sunchon, Korea, May 19-20, 2010.   [Best Poster Award] 


Byungjin Cho, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji and Takhee Lee, "Rewritable switching characteristics of one diode-one resistor organic memory", 21th IC-ME&D (21th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Devices), Sunchon National Univeristy, Sunchon, Korea, May 19-20, 2010.  


Takhee Lee, "Characterization of Molecular Transistors and Organic Memory Devices", Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, Korea, May 6, 2010.   [Department seminar] 


Takhee Lee, "Molecular transistors with orbital gating", International Symposium on Carbon Electronics (ISCE), Seoul National University, Korea, May 3-4, 2010.  [Invited talk] 


Takhee Lee, "Molecular Transistors and Organic Memory Devices", Sunchon National University, Sunchon, Korea, April 27, 2010. [Department seminar] 


Takhee Lee, "Molecular transistors with orbital gating", 2010 Spring Korean Physical Society Meeting (춘계 한국물리학회), Daejeon, Korea, April 21-22, 2010.  [Invited talk] 


Byungjin Cho, Tae-Wook Kim, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji, Minseok Jo,Hyunsang Hwang, Gun-Young Jung, and Takhee Lee, "Rewritable switching operation of 1 diode-1 resistor for organic memory devices", MRS (Materials Research Society) 2010 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 5-9, 2010.   [Student oral presentation]


Takhee Lee, "Molecular Transistors and Polymer Memory Devices", Dept. of EEWS, KAIST, Korea, March 30, 2010. [Department seminar] 


Takhee Lee, "Molecular Transistors with Orbital Gating", e-Journal Seminar, March 29, 2010.  [e- seminar] 


Takhee Lee, "Molecular Transistors and Polymer Memory Devices", Department of Chemistry, POSTECH, Korea, March 26, 2010. [Department seminar] 


Takhee Lee, "Tutorial - Organic Memory Devices", GIST, Korea, March 25, 2010. [Lecture] 

주소 (08826) 서울특별시 관악구 관악로 1, 서울대학교 자연과학대학 물리천문학부연락처 02-880-4269 팩스 02-884-3002
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