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Molecular Nanoelectronics Lab

Molecular nanoelectronics laboratory is studying Organic Electronics and Nanowires Electronics.


Presentation 목록


Takhee Lee, "Organic resistive non-volative memory", 인쇄전자(Printed Electronics) 기술의 이해 강연, Seoul National Universtiy, Korea, June 15, 2012.  [Lecture] 


Sangchul Lee, Seok-Ju Kang, Gunho Jo, Yung Ho Kahng, Dong-Yu kim, Byoung Hun Lee and Takhee Lee, "Multi-layer graphene films as electrodes for high performance of pentacene organic field effect transistors with surface treatments", PEC-2012 (Physics Electronics Conference), Dallas, TX, USA, June 3-7, (2012)  [Student oral presentation] 


Sangchul Lee, Seok-Ju Kang, Gunho Jo, Yung Ho Kahng, Dong-Yu kim, Byoung Hun Lee and Takhee Lee, "High Performance of Pentacene Organic Field Effect Transistors using Muilti-lkayer Graphene Films as Electrodes with Surface Treatments", AVS Texas Chapter Conference 2012, Dallas, TX, USA, June 6, (2012) [Student oral presentation] 


Takhee Lee, "나노과학기술", 서울대학교 자연과학대학 청소년대상 공개 토요강좌, Seoul National Universtiy, Korea, May 25, 2012.  [Lecture] 


Takhee Lee, "Organic Resistive Memory Devices: Performance Enhancement, Integration, and Advanced Architectures", E-MRS 2012 Spring meeting, Strasbourg, France, May 14-18, 2012.  [Invited talk] 


Takhee Lee, "Electrical Transport through Molecular Junctions on Rigid and Flexible Substrates", E-MRS 2012 Spring meeting, Strasbourg, France, May 14-18, 2012.  [Invited talk] 


Takhee Lee, "Molecular and Organic Electronic Devices", Department colloquium, Kyunghee University (Suwon), Dept. of Applied Physics, Korea, May 9, 2012.  [Department seminar] 


Takhee Lee, "Molecular Transistors and Organic Memory Devices", Department colloquium, Ajou University, Dept. of Physics, Korea, May 2, 2012.  [Department seminar] 


Woong-Ki Hong1, Takhee Lee2 (1KBSI, 2SNU), "금속산화물 나노구조체에서의 특성 조절 및 응용성", 춘계물리학회, Daejeon, 4/25-27, 2012.  [Invited talk] 


Byungjin Cho, Tae-Wook Kim, Jin-Mun Yun, Sunghoon Song, Yongsung Ji, Dong-Yu Kim, Gun-Young Jung, and Takhee Lee, "Organic resistive memory devices: switching mechanism, performance enhancement, and advanced integration architecture", MRS (Materials Research Society) 2012 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 9 - 13, 2012.  [Student oral presentation] 


Sangchul Lee, Gunho Jo, Seok-Ju Kang, Jun-Seok Yeo, Yongsung Ji, Chun Hum Cho, Dong-Yu Kim, Yung Ho Kahng, Byoung Hun Lee, and Takhee Lee, “Patterned Graphene Films as Transparent and Flexible Conducting Electrodes for Organic Transistor and Solar Cell Devices Applications”, MRS (Materials Research Society) 2012 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 9 - 13, 2012.   [Student oral presentation] 


Takhee Lee, "Orbital-gated Molecular Transistors and Polymer Nonvolatile Memory Devices", seminar, Pohang University of Scienceand Technology (POSTECH), March 19, 2012  [Distinguished Lecture] 


Takhee Lee, "Organic resistive non-volative memory", 인쇄전자(Printed Electronics) 기술의 이해 강연, Seoul National Universtiy, Korea, February 24, 2012.


Sangchul Lee, Seok-Ju Kang, Gunho Jo, Minhyeok Choe, Woojin Park, Jongwon Yoon, Taehyun Kwon, Yung Ho Kahng, Dong-Yu Kim, Byoung Hun Lee and Takhee Lee, "Enhanced performance of pentacene field effect transistors with patterned graphene electrodes using surface treatments", 제19회 한국반도체학술대회 (The 19th Korean Conference on Semiconductors), Korea University,, Korea, Feb. 15-17, 2012.


Takhee Lee, "Orbital-gated Molecular Transistors and Polymer Nonvolatile Memory Devices", 2012 International Conference on Applied Materials and Electronics Engineering (AMEE 2012), Hong Kong, Jan. 18-19, 2012. [Keynote talk]

주소 (08826) 서울특별시 관악구 관악로 1, 서울대학교 자연과학대학 물리천문학부연락처 02-880-4269 팩스 02-884-3002
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