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Molecular Nanoelectronics Lab

Molecular nanoelectronics laboratory is studying Organic Electronics and Nanowires Electronics.


Presentation 목록


Woocheol Lee, Youngrok Kim, Younggul Song, Daekyoung Yoo, Keehoon Kang and Takhee Lee, "Time dependent current behavior of unipolar organic resistive memory devices under a constant voltage stress", 2018 Korean Physical Society (KPS) Spring Meeting, Daejeon, April 25-27, 2018.


Jiwon Shin, Tae-Young Kim, Kyungjune Cho,Jinsu Pak, Jae-Keun Kim, Jaeuoung Kim and Takhee Lee, "Proton Irradiation Effect on WSe2 Field Effect Transistors", 2018 Korean Physical Society (KPS) Spring Meeting, Daejeon, April 25-27, 2018.


Junseok Seo, Jinsu Pak, Kyungjune Cho, Woocheol Lee, Jiwon Shin, Jae-Keun Kim and Takhee Lee, "Improved Photoswitching Response of WSe2 Field-Effect Transistors by Thermal Annealing in Air", 2018 Korean Physical Society (KPS) Spring Meeting, Daejeon, April 25-27, 2018.


Takhee Lee, "Interface and Surface Control of MoS2-based electronic Devices", Graphene Symposium, Buyeo, March 29-30, 2018.  [Invited talk] 


Jinsu Pak, Yeonsik Jang, Kyungjune Cho, Tae-Young Kim, Jae-Keun Kim, Jiwon Shin, and Takhee Lee, "What happens to a MoS2 FET in high lateral electric field?", 10th BK21+Young Physicst Workshop, Seoul National University, Korea, Feb. 8-9, 2018.


Jinsu Pak, Yeonsik Jang, Kyungjune Cho, Tae-Young Kim, Jae-Keun Kim, Barbara Yuri Choi, Jiwon Shin, Seungjun Chung and Takhee Lee, "Investigation of Thickness-dependent Avalanche Breakdown Phenomena in MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors", 제25회 한국반도체학술대회 (The 25th Korean Conference on Semiconductors), 하이원, Korea, Feb. 5-7, 2018.  [한국반도체학회 우수논문상] 


Takhee Lee, "Functional High-Yield Molecular-scale ElectronicDevices", UKC2017, Washington DC, USA, August 9-12, 2017.   [Keynote talk] 

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