503. |
Wang-Taek Hwang, Misook Min, Kyungjune Cho, Hyunhak Jeong, and Takhee Lee, "Electrical characteristics of pentacene-graphene vertical heterostructure", 2014 International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology (ICNST 2014), Mokpo, Korea, November 6-7, 2014.
502. |
Takhee Lee, "Functional Molecular-scale Electronic devices on Flexible Substrates", The 6th International Workshop on Flexible & Printable Electronics (IWFPE), Jeonju, Korea, Nov. 5 - 7, 2014. [Invited talk]
501. |
Dong Xiang1, Dirk Mayer2, TakheeLee3, "Gating Raman spectroscopy: go beyond electromagnetic enhancement", 2014 Asia NANO, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 27-29, 2014. [Best Poster Award]
500. |
Misook Min1,2, Keunsik Lee1, Hanleem Lee1, Wang-Taek Hwang2, Takhee Lee2, Woon Chun Kim1, Hyoyoung Lee1*, "Solution-processed stretchable and transparent electrode with over coated silver nanowire", 2014 Asia NANO, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 27-29, 2014.
499. |
Hyunhak Jeong, Dongku Kim, Wang-Taek Hwang, Yeonsik Jang, and Takhee Lee, "A new method for high-yield molecular junctions with direct metal transfer method", 2014 Asia NANO, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 27-29, 2014.
498. |
Dongku Kim1, Hyunhak Jeong1, Hanki Lee1, Wang-Teak Hwang1, Heejun Jeong2, Takhee Lee1, "Flexible molecular-scale electronic devices made with diarylethene class photoswitching molecules on flexible substrate", 2014 Asia NANO, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 27-29, 2014. [Best Poster Award]
497. |
Kyungjune Cho, Tae-Young Kim, Woanseo Park, and Takhee Lee, "Optoelectrical properties of MoS2 field effect transistors under various environments and measurement conditions", 2014 Asia NANO, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 27-29, 2014.
496. |
Woanseo Park1, Jaeyoon Baik2, Tae-Young Kim1, Kyungjune Cho1,Woong-Ki Hong3, Hyun-Joon Shin2 and Takhee Lee1, "Synthesis of large-area, high-quality single-layer MoS2 by direct patterning method for atomic film electronics", 2014 Asia NANO, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 27-29, 2014. [Best Poster Award]
495. |
Tae-Young Kim, Kyungjune Cho, Woanseo Park, Takhee Lee, "Irradiation effects of MoS2 Field Effect Transistors by High Energetic Proton Beam", 2014 Asia NANO, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 27-29, 2014.
494. |
Woanseo Park1, Jaeyoon Baik2, Tae-Young Kim1, Kyungjune Cho1, Woong-Ki Hong3, Hyun-Joon Shin2 and Takhee Lee1,*, "Synthesis of large-area, patternable single-layer MoS2 films by chemical vapor deposition", 2014 Fall Korean Physical Society Meeting (가을 한국물리학회), Kwangju, Korea, Oct. 22-24, 2014. [Outstanding Presentation Award]
493. |
Takhee Lee, "Fabrication and Characterization of Molybdenum Disulfide Field Effect Transistors", The 14th International Discussion & Conference on Nano Interface Controlled Electronic Devices (IDC-NICE 2014), Seoul, Korea, Oct. 9 - 10, 2014. [Invited talk]
492. |
이탁희, "나노과학기술, 분자로 만드는 트랜지스터", 한양대학교부속고등학교, 서울, Oct. 1, 2014. [Lecture]
491. |
Takhee Lee, "Molecular- and polymer-based electronic devices", seminar, Chung-Ang University, Korea, September 29, 2014. [Department seminar]
490. |
Takhee Lee, "Molecular- and polymer-based electronic devices", seminar, DGIST(대구경북과학기술연구원), Korea, September 16, 2014. [Department seminar]
489. |
이탁희, "나노과학기술, 분자로 만드는 트랜지스터", 대구과학영재고등학교, 대구, August 29, 2014. [Lecture]