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Molecular Nanoelectronics Lab

Molecular nanoelectronics laboratory is studying Organic Electronics and Nanowires Electronics.


Presentation 목록


Keehoon Kang , Heebeom Ahn, Younggul Song, Woocheol Lee, Junwoo Kim, Youngrok Kim, Daekyoung Yoo and Takhee Lee, “High-Performance Solution-Processed Organo-Metal Halide Perovskite Resistive Memory Devices in Cross-Point Array Structure”, 2019 MRS Fall Meeting(Materials Research Society 2019 Fall Meeting), Boston, USA, December 3, 2019.


Takhee Lee, “나노과학기술, 분자로 만드는 트랜지스터”, 2019년도 금요일에 과학터치 강연(한국연구재단), Daegu, Korea, November 8, 2019.


Daekyoung Yoo, Youngrok Kim, Keehoon Kang, Heebeom Ahn, Woocheol Lee, Jinsu Pak,  Seungjun Chung and Takhee Lee, “Stable operation of organic phototransistors via a transparent self-cleaning layer”, 2019 KPS Fall Meeting, Gwangju, Korea, October 25, 2019.    [Oral talk]  


Keehoon Kang, Shun Watanabe, Youngrok Kim, S. Schott, Seungjun Chung, Henning Sirringhaus and Takhee Lee, “Molecular Doping by Solid-State Diffusion in Organic Semiconductors”, IDC-NICE(19th International Discussion and Conference on Nice device), Sapporo, Japan, October 10, 2019.


Takhee Lee, “Research Progress on Molecular Electronics and Molecules-Treated MoS2 Nanoelectroncs”, IDC-NICE (19th International Discussion and Conference on Nano Interface Controlled Electronic Devices), Sapporo, Japan, October 10, 2019. [Invited talk]    


Keehoon Kang, Heebeom Ahn, Younggul Song, Woocheol Lee, Junwoo Kim, Youngrok Kim, Daekyoung Yoo and Takhee Lee, “Solution-Processed Organo-Metal Halide Perovskite for High-Performance Crossbar-Array Resistive Memory Devices” , 2019 한국유연인쇄전자학회 학술대회, Jeju, Korea, September 3, 2019.  


Youngrok Kim, Seungjun Chung, Kyungjune Cho, David Harkin, Wang-Taek Hwang, Daekyoung Yoo, Jae-Keun Kim, Woocheol Lee, Younggul Song, Heebeom Ahn, Yongtaek Hong, Henning Sirringhaus, Keehoon Kang and Takhee Lee, “Charge Injection Improvement in Organic Field Effect Transistors via Molecular Implantation Doping”, 2019 한국유연인쇄전자학회 학술대회, Jeju, Korea, September 3, 2019.


Takhee Lee, “Organic and perovskite-based resistive memory devices”, 2019 한국유연인쇄전자학회 학술대회, Jeju, Korea, September 3, 2019.   


Takhee Lee, “Organic resistive memory devices: microscale integration and mechanism", The 8th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (2019 China NANO), Beijing, China, August 18, 2019. [Keynote talk]    


Takhee Lee, “High-Yield Functional Molecular Monolayer-Based Electronic Devices ", The 8th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (2019 China NANO), Beijing, China, August 17, 2019.  [Invited talk]    


Youngrok Kim, Seungjun Chung, Kyungjune Cho, David Harkin, Wang-Taek Hwang, Daekyoung Yoo, Jae-Keun Kim, Woocheol Lee, Younggul Song, Heebeom Ahn, Yongtaek Hong, Henning Sirringhaus, Keehoon Kang and Takhee Lee, “Improving Charge Injection Properties of Organic Field Eff ect Transistor by Molecular Implantation Doping”, 61st Electronic Materials Conference (EMC 2019), Ann Arbor, USA, June 27, 2019.  [Oral talk]    


Daekyoung Yoo, Youngrok Kim, Misook Min, Geun Ho Ahn, DerHsien Lien, Jingon Jang, Hyunhak Jeong, Younggul Song, Seungjun Chung, Ali Javey and Takhee Lee, “Highly Reliable Organo-Compatible Superhydrophobic Self-Cleaning Protection for Organic Field Effect Transistors”, 61st Electronic Materials Conference (EMC 2019), Ann Arbor, USA, June 27, 2019.  [Oral talk]    


Takhee Lee, " Towards High Yield Functional Molecular Electronic Devices", The International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics (M&BE10), Nara, Japan, June 26, 2019.   [Plenary talk]    


Takhee Lee, "High-Yield Functional Molecular Monolayer-Based Electronic Devices", 2019 International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), Singapore, June 24, 2019. [Invited talk]    


Keehoon Kang, Heebeom Ahn, Younggul Song, Woocheol Lee, Junwoo Kim, Youngrok Kim, Daekyoung Yoo and Takhee Lee, "High-Performance Cross-Point Resistive Memory Devices Based on Solution-Processed Organo-Metal Halide Perovskite", 2019 Spring European Materials Research Society Meeting (E-MRS 2019 Spring), Nice, France, May 27-31, 2019.     [Oral talk]    

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