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Molecular Nanoelectronics Lab

Molecular nanoelectronics laboratory is studying Organic Electronics and Nanowires Electronics.

Research Articles

Research Articles 목록


Seongmin Ko, Jiwon Shin, Juntae Jang, Jaeyong Woo, Jaeyoung Kim, Jaehyoung Park, Jongeun Yoo, Chongwu Zhou, Kyungjune Cho, and Takhee Lee, "Reduced interface effect of proton beam irradiation on the electrical properties of WSe2/hBN field effect transistors”, Nanotechnology, in press (2024). [PDF]  {Journal lnk]


Yeeun Kim, Jaeyong Woo, Young-Kwang Jung, Heebeom Ahn, Inha Kim, Youjin Reo, Hyungbin Lim, Changjun Lee, Jonghoon Lee, Yongjin Kim, Hyeonmin Choi, Min-Hyun Lee, Jeongjae Lee, Samuel D. Stranks, Henning Sirringhaus, Yong-Young Noh, Keehoon Kang, and Takhee Lee, "Reversible oxidative p-doping in 2D tin halide perovskite field-effect transistors", ACS Energy Letters, 9, 1725 (2024).  [PDF]  [Journal link]    


Xubin Zhang, Zhibin Zhao, Surong Zhang, Adila Adijiang, Tianran Zhao, Min Tan, Xueyan Zhao, Qihong Hu, Maoning Wang, Takhee Lee, Elke Scheer, and Dong Xiang, 

"In Situ Reconnection of Nanoelectrodes Over 20 nm Gaps on Polyimide Substrate", Small Structures, 5, 2300283 (2024). [PDF]  [Journal link]  


Laurie Calvet, Weihua Guan, James Klemic, Takhee Lee, Mohsen Nami, Jeffrey Sleight6, Eric Stern, Shari Yosinski and Chongwu Zhou, "Editorial for ‘focus collection in memory of Prof Mark A Reed’ ", Nanotechnology, 35, 110201 (2024).   [PDF]  [Journal link]  [Memorial focus collection link]

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