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Molecular Nanoelectronics Lab

Molecular nanoelectronics laboratory is studying Organic Electronics and Nanowires Electronics.

Research Articles

Research Articles 목록


Wenyong Wang, Takhee Lee and Mark A Reed, "Electron tunnelling in self-assembled monolayers", Rep. Prog. Phys. 68, 523-544 (2005). [PDF] [Journal link]

*This article was selected as one of the best review articles of Rep. Prog. Phys. journal in year 2005.  


W. Wang, T. Lee,and M. A. Reed, “Electronic Transport in Molecular Self-Assembled Monolayer Devices” Proceedings of the IEEE, 93, 1815-1824 (2005). [PDF] [Journal link]


T. Lee, W. Wang, and M.A. Reed, "Intrinsic Electronic Transport through Alkanedithiol Self-Assembled Monolayer", Jap. J. Appl. Phys.44 (1B), 523-529 (2005). [PDF] [Journal link]


Hyun-Gi Hong, Woong-Ki Hong, Keun-Yong Ban, Takhee Lee, Tae-Yeon Seong, June-O Song, I. T. Ferguson, and Joon Seop Kwak, “Formation of high-quality Ag-based ohmic contact to p-type GaN for UV LEDs using a tin-zinc oxide interlayer”, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 8, G280-G282 (2005). [PDF] [Journal link]


Woong-Ki Hong, June-O Song, Hyun-Gi Hong, Keun-Yong Ban, Takhee Lee, J. S. Kwak, Y. Park, and Tae-Yeon Seong, "Highly reflective and Low Resistance Indium Tin oxide/Ag Ohmic Contacts to p-Type GaN for Flip-Chip Light Emitting Diodes", Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 8, G320-G323 (2005).  [PDF] [Journal link]


E. Stern, G. Cheng, E. Cimpoiasu, R. Klie, S. Guthrie, J. Klemic, I. Kretzschmar, E. Steinlauf, D. Turner-Evans, E. Broomfield, J. Hyland, R. Koudelka, T. Boone, M. Young, A. Sanders, R. Munden, T. Lee, D. Routenberg, and M. A. Reed, "Electrical Characterization of Single GaN Nanowires", Nanotechnology, 16, 2941 (2005). [PDF] [Journal link]


June-O Song, Woong-Ki Hong, Hyun-Gi Hong, Kyoung-Kook Kim, Takhee Lee, and Tae-Yeon Seong, “Reflective and low-resistance Zn/Rh contacts to p-type GaN for flip-chip light-emitting diodes”, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett.8, G227-G229 (2005). [PDF] [Journal link]


June-O Song, Hun Kang, I.T. Ferguson, Sung-Pyo Jung, H.P. Lee, Hyun-Gi Hong, Takhee Lee, Tae-Yeon Seong, “Improvement of the electrical performance of near UV GaN-based light-emitting diodes using Ni nanodots” , Solid-State Electronics, 49, 1986-1989 (2005). [PDF] [Journal link]


T. Lee, W. Wang, J. F. Klemic, J. J. Zhang, J. Su, and M. A. Reed, "Cross-platform characterization of electron tunneling in molecular self-assembled monolayers", Current Applied Physics, 5, 213 (2005). [PDF] [Journal link]


Dong-Seok Leem, Takhee Lee and Tae-Yeon Seong, "Improvement of the Electrical Properties of Al-Based Reflective Electrode on P-Type GaN for Flip-Chip Light-Emitting Diodes", Electronic Materials Lett. 1, 115-120 (2005). [PDF] 

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