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Molecular Nanoelectronics Lab

Molecular nanoelectronics laboratory is studying Organic Electronics and Nanowires Electronics.

Research Articles

Research Articles 목록


J. Liu, Takhee Lee, B.L. Walsh, R.P. Andres, D.B. Janes, M.R. Melloch, J.M. Woodall, and R. Reifenberger, "Guided self-assembly of Au nanocluster arrays electronically coupled to semiconductor device layers", Appl. Phys. Lett.77, 373 (2000). [PDF] [Journal link]


Takhee Lee, N.P. Chen, J. Liu, R.P. Andres, D.B. Janes, E.H. Chen, M.R. Melloch, J.M. Woodall, and R. Reifenberger, "Ohmic nano-contact to GaAs with undoped and p-doped low-temperature grown GaAs cap layers", Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 212 (2000). [PDF] [Journal link]


D. B. Janes, Takhee Lee, J. Liu, M. Batistuta, N.P. Chen, B.L. Walsh, R.P. Andres, E.H. Chen, M.R. Melloch, J.M. Woodall, and R. Reifenberger, "Self-assembled metal/molecule/semiconductor nanostructures for electronic device and contact applications", J. Electron. Mater.29, 565 (2000). [PDF] [Journal link]


D. B. Janes, R.P. Andres, M. Batistuta, E.H. Chen, N.P. Chen, S. Datta, T. Lee, Jia Liu, M.R. Melloch, R. Reifenberger, and J.M. Woodall, "Interface and contact structures for nanoelectronic devices using asemblies of metalic nanoclusters, conjugated organic molecules and chemically stable semiconductor layers", Superlattices and Microstructures 27, 555 (2000). [PDF] [Journal link]


Takhee Lee, J. Liu, N.P. Chen, R.P. Andres, D.B. Janes, and R. Reifenberger, “Electronic properties of metallic nanoclusters on semiconductor surfaces: Implication for nanoelectronic device application”, J.
Nanoparticle Research, 2, 345-362 (2000). [PDF] [Journal link]

주소 (08826) 서울특별시 관악구 관악로 1, 서울대학교 자연과학대학 물리천문학부연락처 02-880-4269 팩스 02-884-3002
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