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Takhee Lee, J. Liu, D.B. Janes, V.R. Kolagunta, J. Dicke, R.P. Andres, J. Lauterbach, M.R. Melloch, D. McInturff, J.M. Woodall, and R. Reifenberger, "An ohmic nano-contact to GaAs", Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 2869 (1999). [PDF] [Journal link]
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D.B. Janes, V.R. Kolagunta, M. Batistuta, B.L. Walsh, R.P. Andres, Jia Liu, J. Dicke, J. Lauterbach, T. Pletcher, E.H. Chen, M.R. Melloch, E.L. Peckham, H.J. Ueng, J.M. Woodall T. Lee, R. Reifenberger, C.P. Kubiak, and B. Kasibhatla "Nanoelectronic device applications of a chemically stable GaAs structure", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 17, 1773 (1999). [PDF] [Journal link]